2003page Contribution Rules

We need you in our Discord Server!

We at 2003page don't want:

  1. pointless drama/arguments regarding 2003page
  2. risky/suggestive content
  3. NSFW, really?
  4. modern HTML5, at least use HTML5 that IE8 supports, or IE9-supported HTML5 if really want to be somewhat expriemental.
  5. CSS3, too modern, and old browsers choke hard on CSS3, read the CSS 2.2 speficiation
  6. any links to mallicious programs, old or new, meme-y or not. Examples of what i mean: MEMZ, BonziBuddy, ILoveYou.
  7. scripts that lag down a internet browser just to get 0.00001 bitcoins, if you want money, find other ways other than putting a miner in your subsite. ._.
  8. raids in 2003tech Discord 2.0, if you're a contributor of 2003page while raiding Discord 2.0, your subsite will be redacted out of existence without a archived zip, and you will be put on the 2003tech Blacklist.
  9. frontpage css, broken, unoptimized, and kills the codefactor.