UPDATE: We have successed, thank you for supporting us!
We demand Rover Freedom.
Everyone wants freedom, no experation for Rover. However, the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons disappointed all of us.
Rover missing thoughtout the whole game.
This is a serious problem.
Rover is the most important charater in the Animal Crossing series. Rover guided us in the whole game. However, in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Rover is missing. It is replaced by the evil charater in Animal Crossing, Tom Nook. In fact, in the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons game, Tom Nook is thoughtout the game.
We demand human cat rights for Rover.
Everyone need human rights, so cats are the same. They have human cat rights. In current state, Rover is losing the basic human cat rights. Not even the right to appear.
Human cat rights is the most important thing in a cat's life. It so important that every cats can't live without it. We must help Rover bring back the baisc human cat rights.