We need you in our Discord Server!
We at 2003page don't want:
- pointless drama/arguments regarding 2003page
- risky/suggestive content
- NSFW, really?
- modern HTML5, at least use HTML5 that IE8 supports, or IE9-supported HTML5 if really want to be somewhat expriemental.
- CSS3, too modern, and old browsers choke hard on CSS3, read the CSS 2.2 speficiation
- any links to mallicious programs, old or new, meme-y or not. Examples of what i mean: MEMZ, BonziBuddy, ILoveYou.
- scripts that lag down a internet browser just to get 0.00001 bitcoins, if you want money, find other ways other than putting a miner in your subsite. ._.
- raids in 2003tech Discord 2.0, if you're a contributor of 2003page while raiding Discord 2.0, your subsite will be redacted out of existence without a archived zip, and you will be put on the 2003tech Blacklist.
- frontpage css, broken, unoptimized, and kills the codefactor.